Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Will You Be My Valentine? / Desperation Day

 Today, according to the wise Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother) is considered Desperation Day. A made up holiday of sorts that occurs on February 13, the day before Valentine's Day or in Barney's words when a "10" has the self-esteem of a "4" and the depraved enthusiasm of a "2." By definition, it is a day in which women franticly search for a man so they will not be alone on February 14th. Barney uses this to his advantage to find women and well, take advantage of their "desperation." Sorry Barney, but Desperation Day is useless to me. Even if I am boyfriendless (which I am) I will always have my three best friends (Marissa (bff), Lauren, and Emily). They are the three craziest, funniest people I know and I would rather spend a thousand Valentine's Days with them, than with any boy. Maybe I sound like I am trying to reassure myself that this is true but they understand what I mean and in reality, to me that is really all that matters.  Some of my best memories are with them. From Midnight Martis, to Greenway, to laughing about the Hot Chick and staying up late cracking up about embarassing things that have happened to us, I just wanted to say I love you guys so much, your the best friends a girl could ask for!  Now the only question left is......... Will you be my Valentine? <3
<3 xx Emma (wal) Dinger
P.S. Thank you for the inspiration to write this Marissa and I credit that you had the idea first :)
P.P.S Go check out Marissa's blog,  Thanks :)                                                                                                                                                            


  1. Valentines is about being with someone I love, and I will be. <3

  2. Love you too�� and the pics are great! Ecpecially the only of Lauren!! Hahahha

  3. Wombat chimmy china does not agree
